1/31/2008 09:55:00 pm
Studio Director - Janine Ng
Ready roll VTReady musicReady mix on 4ready open host micready cue hostready super CGOne off the list, but I'm not feeling any less stressed :(
It's a miracle I pulled today's production off. Giving directions to people is not my thing. Giving directions to people under extreme stress and Ms Ng Kwee Hoon's irritating scrutiny is even worse. Thank God it's over.
But I'm still so scrunched up. My brain is so tired. :x
At least I'll be seeing them tomorrow for billy bombers. All thanks to effie's coupon. :)
Fade sound and vision.
1/30/2008 11:09:00 pm
Coffee Prince ends. :(

I love this picture!!His name is Gong Yoo. He melts my heart.
He has the kinda face that grows on you. :)
Small boy face!! Ahhhhh!
But now, no more seeing his beautiful face on tv at 10 pm everyday.
I'm sad.
1/29/2008 09:04:00 pm
Blooregard Q. Kazoo

"Come Oooonnnnnnnnnnn!"

He is the cutest arrogant 2 dimensional imaginary friend ever.
He shall forever be my adium buddy. :)
My 100th post for the one and only.
1/26/2008 09:18:00 pm
They probably had a happy ending.
She didn't know when it started or why it happened. She just realised that she was holding his hand. He was holding her hand. They were holding hands. There was a logical non-romantic reason for it intially - she nearly fell and he caught her? Or maybe they were running away from something or someone. But now she can't remember what, or why. Now, it felt as if a spot light was focused on their hands, intertwined; as if the curtains were drawn before the actors got ready for their scene, and everyone was aware. It felt like she shouldn't hold his hand.
Still he held onto her. He held onto her tight.
She let go and bent down to re-tie her shoelaces - though there was no reason to - and she looked back. There were people behind. People they knew. People who would joke, and laugh, and tease.
She got up - after delaying long enough - and he was there, waiting. He offered his hand to her. She hesitated, but eventually slipped hers into his. It was as awkward as the time she slipped and fell on her butt in front of a whole group of teachers. It was awkward because she was walking beside him. Because she never expected it. Because she never though he knew. Because he finally held her hand - and looked so confident with it.
She realised, it was awkward because she finally had him.
She was happy. Awkwardly. But happy.
And then,
she woke up.
1/25/2008 09:27:00 pm
Its an incredibly exhausting experience. Rather astounding how things can be blown out of proportion.
1/23/2008 01:11:00 am
I'm weird like that
big mushroom (5x15f):
gone -
position 618 x 336
anchor point 160 x 120
appear -
position 430 x 336
anchor point 160 x 120
small base (7x15f):
gone -
position 655.2 x 349
anchor point 160 x 120
appear -
position 336 x 349
I'm avoiding you, blog. Till I'm over being stressed and busy and irritated. See you.
1/14/2008 06:26:00 pm
Janine needs...
- her mouth washing out with soap and water.
no I don't! I'm surely the last person who needs that.
- a room she can go wild in
no again. I go wild anywhere I want. :)
- your help to win Miss Student 2007/8!
I don't mind. Haha
- less float of inventory.
- help!
yes, my assignments, house work, group projects, attend lectures.
- to feel she has done a competent job.
true, wouldn't you?
- someone who will positively promote contact with her half sister who was adopted and also indirect contact with other family members.
- best
and only the best. :)
- to warm up to them still Janine gets fired!
- needs to decide if she is OK with someone who decides whether or not to follow the law and whether this process would apply to other laws that she feels strongly ought to be followed
Haha. It's been done by quite a number of people now that I tried it again. You'd probably get blog addresses where it has done it before. Let's add one more to the Janine's list. Janine needs a little supercalifragilisticexpialidocious with a spoonful of sugar which helps the medicine go down.
Saw pammie today on the bus in front of me, just before we alighted. She was quite freaked out by my sudden appearance, though she should have seen me when she sat down. Anyway, she's watched the movie I lent her, and sure enough, she's freaked out.
I've been watching Brothers and Sisters online. Can't bear to start on Gilmore. I realise most people think of my 'suffer now, enjoy later' logic weird. WELL enough mindless typing for today.
1/12/2008 11:40:00 pm
The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probably
Quality Time
with a secondary love language being
Words of Affirmation.
Complete set of results
Quality Time: |
| 10 |
Words of Affirmation: |
| 6 |
Acts of Service: |
| 5 |
Receiving Gifts: |
| 5 |
Physical Touch: |
| 4 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.
Take the quiz
Pastor Heidi used to talk a lot about love languages.
Go take the quiz people. :) Blog it or comment here.
1/12/2008 12:12:00 am
tgif tgif tgif tgif
MEP down. CCC, SMM, MCP left for individual.
I'm tired, yet inspired. wooohoo that rhymes.
now, I sleep.
1/07/2008 12:02:00 am
Can you spell tired?
Or an alternative:
Another one to consider:
I know, my new year's post isn't out yet. It's like 3/4 done, but I got no heart to complete it. Because I am J-A-N-I-N-E (i.e. tired)
I want holidays pleaseeee. Cycle, blade, jump, run, scream till I lose my voice.
Somehow, I think my stress is self-inflicted. Yet it is necessary - for me to work that is. Humans are self-destructing machines. sigh.
ka-boom anyone?
1/05/2008 12:40:00 am
Don't you wonder sometimes, what makes a new year a new year? Who's to say that a year ends on the 31st of December and starts on the 1st of January? So what if it takes the earth 365 days to spin around the Sun? Why must that be equivalent to a year? I guess that's the power of being among the first few civilised people on earth - you get to make things like calendars and get everyone living by it.
Anyway, since calendars are in and I'm part of society, let's conform. :) New year's resolutions!
- Out with the negatives!
No one knows this, but I have been pretty negative with people this year. It occurred to me only when Cheryl reminded us the other day, not to look at the bad things, but what a person can offer. I'm not very vocal with my little grudges and I will remain not-vocal because all forms of grudges shall be gone!
- Selfless faith, selfless faithhhhhh
Hosanna, hosanna. Hosanna in the highest.
2007. I don't think of the year as a whole year. Maybe its the polytechnic calendar, cos now it feels like 2 years have passed or something. The start of 2007 seems so long ago, I can't even remember what happened then.
Honestly, I don't think I have enjoyed the year. Just the thought of the year gone gives me relief that I have survived. Survived the assignments, the late nights, the group projects, the procrastinations, the presentations, all the exams! WHEWWWWWW. Don't you feel relieved for me too?
Its the relationships of 2007 that I'm most thankful of. Perhaps its cos of the slight increase of my maturity, or maybe just because such relationships are scarce now at this point of my life, but I appreciate the friendships I've
earned made and kept. Every single outing, every single birthday present project, I hold dearly and were the brighter moments of my 2007.
JARLZI've been missing you guys! But the fact that we've come this far, that we all are making the effort to meet up every fortnight on Tuesdays for dinner, and that smashing video that you all made me - is more than enough reasons for me to love you all! Plus the fun we have together, its a bonus, and a blessing that I have a tight group of friends like yoouuuuu.
Joel is a gentleman.
Abriel has his never-ending girl problems and I'm his aunt agony, though I never help him much.
Ronald is a geek that everyone loves because he helps them get fun games for their handphones. Plus he is a great friend, he's funny, he's supportive and he is RONALD!
Larissa is my love. My monkey. My telepathic other half who is a lucky duck because she got a boyfriend who bought her some smashing iPod AND serenades her AND she's going to university soon, which means that soon she can officially date her boyfriend named Joel.
Zoeeeee oh zoe. She is a guy-magnet. Abriel's counterpart when it comes to the complications of her potential love life. That's how hot she is. :) I love them all.
The Present People
Note: the name is just so I don't have to type everyone's name out!
When exactly did we start being so tight? I love spending quality time with you all, purely because we have good fun, and sometimes we go deeeep down.
-and then I got tired and now the drive to type more is gone. :) But you guys still know how much you're loved.