5/29/2008 10:02:00 pm


You're stirring something up in me, I don't know what but it is exciting.

Passion Podcast has really been edifying and it helps me to stay humbled and in awe of God's Power and how He orchestrates people and gifts together for His glory. I've just heard one where Louie interviews Chris Tomlin who's been part of Passion from the beginning, and they were talking about this conference they held in the earlier years in a field. They brought this huge cross on the field as an emblem to remind the students of the cross. That was all they intended. But when worship started, these students just start running, yards away from the cross but they ran towards to cross and knelt before the cross. I know it probably has less impact just reading words, but when I heard it, tears just came to my eyes.

We all sing about clinging to the cross, going forth for God, being desperate for God. But are we really? Will we run to the cross and leave everything behind, forgetting our pride, our self-consciousness, all rationalisation to run to the cross and lay our lives at the foot of the cross?

wow God.

Habakkuk 3:2
LORD, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD.

Renew them in our day,
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy.

God will never turn stale.


5/27/2008 09:00:00 pm

Fill our hearts with Your compassion!

I highly recommend all of yous reading to subscribe to the Passion Podcast, available on iTunes. Don't know if there's anyone else following the Passion World Tour 2008, but it is really amazing what God is doing around the World.

Perhaps Louie Giglio is my favourite speaker, but not because he is cool or eloquent or funny. Because he is absolutely sincere, a hundred and one percent dedicated to the Passion movement and to God, and you can really hear the compassion God has put in his heart as he speaks. He gets emotional just speaking about what God is doing, and how he is so thankful that there is this whole community of prayer warriors with them everywhere they go, praying with them and for them as they go forth to do God's work.

It is very heartwarming, just hearing what God is doing through them, how there are many fellow young people believing and relying on God for revival in their nations. Louie gave listeners a taste of what it is like to be there in these conferences by setting aside time to do podcasts, and you'd hear the people cheering and screaming and shouting and being all excited for God. There is really something different that touched my heart so deeply and brought tears to my eyes knowing that God IS Lord of all the nations and there are fellow brothers and sisters in Christ striving and pressing on for the very same thing we or I strive and press on for - to make Jesus famous.

I know God has put this interest in missions in my heart for a reason and I thank Him for giving me things like these - podcasts to listen to, online sermons to watch and learn from, blogs to read and be uplifted by - and they really contribute to sustaining this fire in me. Young people have so much potential. So so much. Let me make a difference while I'm still youthful and have this determination and so much zest and energy to take on the World with You. Help me spread this fire Lord, among young people that they may too strive to spread it even further.

New dreams I have:
Attend or even volunteer at a Passion Conference at least once.
Intern at Dream Centre in LA

No idea how or when, whether its even possible, but I'll leave that to God.
Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

For those interested, the podcast channel is called The Passion Podcast on iTunes, 268blog can be found at 268blog.blogspot.com. You can also learn more about the Passion movement at 268generation.com.

God is amazing.
To live for Your glory Lord is my desire. Let my life revolve around You and You alone.


5/26/2008 12:00:00 am

He never fails.

Thank God for His faithfulness
Thank God for the Peace that only He can give
God is so good to give me something to look forward to every weekend.

Saturday's worship with Hillsongs was good. Just that there was a point in time when it really feels like everyone's getting all hyped up by the songs and familiarity of songs, hearing it from the band itself and all. But still God came and He touched. He put words in my mouth and it was just amazing how he reveals things to us. I think its very easy to be taken off track and jump and praise God and shout and scream because it is the cool thing or because of great music and a huge crazy crowd, but all it takes is a prayer to God, to help us focus on Him and not the music or the band. He sees our hearts.

I'm really impressed by the band, not by their skills and all - i mean, yeah those are impressive too - but I'm more impressed by their sincerity and their passion and focus on God, even when they're making it big and having been to so many other countries doing what they do in front of so many different groups of believers. I could really feel their desire to serve God, their humble posture towards leading worship and really their love for God. I'm sure it is tough, to keep it real and not be taken by fame and all that. But clearly, God is working in them and through them.

The I Heart Revolution trailer.

There was one song - Solution - they did that I've never really paid attention to though I've always had it. But it really is the cry of our hearts for the world, or it should be. The lyrics say: God be the solution. We will be your hands and your feet. And it is really what we should be doing. Running with the solution. We are God's messenger. How can we just sit and not do anything when the world is still blinded and doesn't know the love of God?

LORD, thank You for talented musicians who are passionate and focused on You, that we may be able to dwell, and seek You together with so many young people in Singapore, that we unite as the youths of Singapore to pray for our nation, for revival. Lord, even as we go on with our lives, help us constantly be running with the solution and reaching out and touching lives. Help us strive to make a difference in this world and tell just one more person about Your love. Let it be our desire everyday to just magnify You so much that we can't help but want to tell people about You. God I want my life to revolve around You. Take it all, from the inside out. All I want is You Lord.


5/19/2008 10:42:00 pm


A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1) Do you like doing memes?

Nope. Because they normally revolve around pointless stuff that are not really worth discussing.

2) If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
For Singapore's radio code to be abolished. At least a section of it.

3) What will your dream wedding be like?
Hmm. For now, in a garden with a spring theme, with lots of flowers and happy colours and smiling people.

4) Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Not really. No. Excited, yeah.

5) What's your ideal lover like?
Loves God more than he loves me.

6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved by God. Ok, loving someone.

7) How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
However long. What's the rush?

8) If the person you secretly liked is attached, what would you do?
Slap myself.

9) Is there anything that make you unhappy these days?

10) If you have a choice, what kind of family would you want to be born into?
One filled with God.

11) Is being tagged fun?
No... So Belley please don't tag me no more... :(

12) What do you see yourself 10 years down the road?
A servant of God, and hopefully a loving wife and mother :)

13) Who are currently the most important people to you?
Family, JARLZ, DR.

14) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Someone who thinks she is very mature but er.. is.. okay la. HURHUR Diligent, disciplined, dependent on God. BBB.

15) Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Married and poor. A family that takes bus together has more fun than a family with a car.

16) What's the first thing you do every morning?
Think what day it is.

17) Would you give all in a relationship?
As much as I can.

18) Do you live to love, live to hate or live for the sake of living?
Live to love. God is love. :)

19) What type of friends do you like?
True blue friends.

20)Who is Jesus?
He is the Son of God, who died for YOU on the cross so that you may be freed from your sins and have eternal life.

(What? They said I could change the questions what.)

I will not tag anyone. This is not a game. This is torture. HURHUR. No laaa you know I'm kidding!


5/17/2008 12:08:00 am


When you pray for God to help you love mercy, expect many situations to come where you really can exercise loving mercy. It's funny how we pray for things like more patience more forgiveness and that we'd love mercy and then expect to get it just like that and become and angel. No. God teaches us by throwing us into situations where we can exercise what we prayed for. Just try and you'll see what I mean.

Sure enough, I asked for it. And I've been getting disappointed by people, to the point of me wishing I don't have to deal with them ever again. But God says love mercy. "Love mercy and be filled with it so much that there is no room for judgment."

Desperation. I've been feeling real worn out. Everything's one whole heap of mess. No one's doing anything about it. Pointing and saying, yeah. But not doing. Why Lord? Why?

My hope is found in You Lord.
Sustain me. Your strength not mine.


5/14/2008 11:38:00 pm

Welcome To The Silence.

Don't just glance through. Read every word and be blessed.

Hi. Welcome To The Silence. Life Is So Loud Sometimes And Just Being Still Even For A Few Minutes Can Powerfully Rearrange Everything That’s Assaulting Our Minds And Our Hearts. Especially When God Is In View. After All He’s The One Who Said Be Still And Know That I Am God.

So We’ve Turned The Volume Down As We Start What We Hope Will Be A Beautiful And Raucous Night In The Hopes That The Things We Need To Hear Most Will Become Really Really Loud.

God Knows Who You Are. Where You Are. And He Knows What You Need In This Moment. He Is Not Looking At A Massive Crowd But The Eyes Of The One Who So Easily Spoke Galaxies Into Their Places Are Looking Right At You. Amazingly He Knows Your Name And The Color He Painted Your Eyes. And He Knows What Makes You Laugh And What Makes You Cry. He Is Not Distracted By What You Think About Him. Or What You Want Him To Think About You. He Knows What He Thinks About You And How He Feels. And He Wants To Say Something To You In The Silence.

I Love You.

Let That Sink Into The Silence And The Stillness And The Soil Of Your Heart.

God Loves You. Oh Don’t Believe The Words On The Screen Or The Words Of Somebody. You Don’t Have To Take It From A Third Party. No. The Father Has Spoken Directly To You. The God Of All Creation Is Engaging You In A Pretty Stunning Conversation. And As Is Always The Case God Is Speaking First. Not Waiting For Your Proposal Or Assessment Of Where You Feel You Are. Or If You’ll Ever Be As Amazing As Something Deep Inside Tells You That You Were Meant To Be. He Isn’t Waiting To Hear About All Your Screw Ups Or Your Great Deeds To Make It Up. No God Is Eager To Share His Take On You.

Here It Is.

Mess Up.
Deeply Loved.

Both Are True And Both Things Set Him In Motion Shaping History With A Story Fueled By Unstoppable Grace. You See God Was Not Shut Down By Our Failure. Nor Did The Consequences Of Our Rebellion Dim His Beautiful Heart Of Love. No We Were The Ones Shut Down When Sin Caused Our Souls To Die. And Die We Did. It’s Bad News Death.
Because Dead People Can’t See. Can’t Breathe. Can’t Help Themselves. Dead People Can’t Do Anything. That Is Why They Call Him Savior. When We Were Dead And Could Not Touch God Jesus Came Down And Touched Us. It Is The Most Phenomenal Thing That Has Or Will Ever Happen To You And Me. Divinity Rushing Into Humanity. God In Skin Marching Steadily To The Beat Of His Own Love. And Nothing And No One Could Alter His Course.

It’s True.

We Were A Mess.
Yet We Were Deeply Loved.

Because Of Our Mess His Embrace Would Demand A Cost Beyond Compare. Because Love Was Accompanied By Justice And Justice Demanded Someone Cover Our Debt Of Sin And Shame Someone Would Have To Stand In Our Place And Pay Our Fee. Someone Would Have To Come To Our Aid.

Even If We Wanted To Pay Off The Price Required By Our Mistakes It Could Not Be So. Dead Men Cannot Stand Up For Themselves. So Another Would Have To Take Our Blows And Swallow The Death Our Sins Deserved. But Who Could Do That For Us. It Couldn’t Be Just Anyone. Because If The Price To Be Offered Was Death The Price Would Have To Be Exacted From Someone Who Was Alive. Yet The Whole World Was Dead In Darkness Until A Miracle Happened And A Light Shone Above And In A Manger.

In The Night The Hope Of Us All Was Born Alive. The Only One Ever Born Alive. And The Only One To Live A Spotless Life Of Pure Faith In God. So On The Friday We Call Good Jesus Was The Only One At The Cross Who Could Possibly Die. Because He Was The Only Living Soul On Plane Earth. Hallelujah. Jesus Was Alive When God’s Love Drove The Nails Our Sin Screamed Out For Into His Hands And Feet. Nails Of Love Punctured Flesh As Blood So Precious Streamed Down To The Ground. A Puddle Of Incomprehensible Love Soaking Into The Soil.

His Innocence Now Gone He Gasped And Cried. Purity Now Covered In Muck And Shame. And When The Sun Fully Scorched The Beautiful Bloom Of Grace Jesus Could No Longer Suck In Enough Air To Breathe. And Finally His Heart Stopped Beating.

In An Instant All Hell Broke Lose And Darkness Covered The Moment As His Lifeless Mangled Body Hung For All The World To See. God’s Undeniable Expression.

I Love You.

His Death Shocked Everyone In Heaven And Hell. Everyone Except His Father Who Was On A Mission Of Love And Saw This Day Coming From Before There Was Time. But All Else Missed It. That’s Why Some Wept In Disbelief As Others Exuberantly Shouted Death Has Won.

The Darkness Threw A Party. But As It Turned Out Hell Partied Too Soon. God’s Story Was Just Getting Interesting As He Spoke To His Son. Rise Up Son I Love. Rise Up Oh My Son.

From The Clasp Of Death Christ Rose. His Father Exhaling Glorious Breathe And Neverending Life Into His Lungs. So Tonight We Will Throw The Party And Invite The World To Come. Because Our God Is Mighty To Save. And The Christ We Celebrate Has Overwhelmed The Grave.

He Is Here Now. This Same Jesus Is Here Now. Offering His Life To All Men. To You. Not You Trying To Live A Better Life. But Christ Living His Life Inside Of You. If You Want A Big Theological Word It’s Called Incarnation. It You Need A Simpler Word It’s Called The Gospel Of Grace. Christ In You The Hope Of Glory.

I Don’t Know What The Loudness Has Been Pumping Into Your Heart And Brain. I Don’t Know If You’ve Been Dragged Into The Depths Of Despair Or If Your Standing On The Deceptive Heights Of Your Own Doing. But In The Stillness Hear This. A Miraculous Offer Is On The Table. God’s Love For You Moved Christ To Take Your Blows So That Now In Him You Can Stand Forgiven And Alive.

And There’s More. Christ Lives To Be In You What You Alone Could Never Be.

Say Yes.



5/14/2008 09:09:00 pm

O Lord.

Day after day, I read of the tens of thousands of people in southwestern China dying or still buried under all that debris, without giving much thought. Have we become numbed to all these disasters and deaths and chaos that it no longer take up even a minute in our sea of thoughts? There are so many things happening around the world - Myanmar's cyclone, China's earthquake, HFMD epidemic, so many lives lost.

Psalm96:7 - O nations of the world, recognize the Lord..

But I've learnt that God has His way of turning these disasters around. He has a purpose for everything. He is forever faithful.


5/13/2008 08:53:00 pm

A flower quickly fading.

Maybe we need to experience life and death incidents constantly, or at least see them, to live life with the right perspective.

I saw a lady collapse today on the way to work. Probably a stroke. I felt so helpless cos I was on the bus and she was there at the bus stop. She had a few plastic bags in her hand, making her way to work? Was getting up from her seat when she suddenly stiffened and fell diagonally downwards and landed on her right side. Thank God there were people around her who quickly came to help her and called the ambulance. I was traumatised for the rest of the ride, actually for a good half of the day. I prayed for her in my heart and asked God why He showed me that. There were so many people on the bus, some were sleeping, others seated on the other side of the bus so they didn't witness the incident. The bus went on to the next stop and the people there were clueless about what happened just a few metres ahead.

Life is so frail. The loss of a life doesn't affect people around, some people even go by not knowing that a tragedy took place.

Isaiah 38:18
For the grave cannot praise you,
death cannot sing your praise;
those who go down to the pit
cannot hope for faithfulness.

I didn't understand this verse until today - we know that we have eternal life in Him. We live like tomorrow is a given. Once we die, we can no longer go out and tell people about God's love and how He died for us. We cannot show His love through our lives, cos there is no life for us on earth anymore.

So? Live like there's no tomorrow? I say love like there's no tomorrow. Praise, testify, proclaim, reflect, magnify, sing like there's no tomorrow. In God's timing, yes. But when He commands, we must obey and seize the opportunity.

So what can I say, what can I do
But offer this heart oh God
Completely to You.


5/12/2008 11:15:00 pm


3 radio shows a day keep me updated and a little more knowledgeable about random things. Like how Johnny Depp's voice alone is saving a 15 year old girl in coma, and Keira Knightly worked on Pirates of the Caribbean since she was 17.

And how the seatbelt thing has created a huge hoo-ha in forums, and Singapore really is slow. LTA says they have been working on this issue since 2006? MPs are vouching for seatbelts in school buses without even bothering to look into it and see that maybe seatbelts aren't so good after all. Especially in school buses, seatbelts will actually create more harm than increase protection. It'll prevent kids from being flung out of the bus, yes. But it could also snap their backbone, or injure their abdomen and organs. Its quite interesting, reading all the comments on forums. People really should read up a little before firing away.

Thank You Lord for putting me in this position. Help us God.


5/10/2008 10:35:00 pm


Marié Digby said she won't be in any relationships for the moment cos music is her love and she don't think there's anyone that can blow her away just yet. So until someone sweeps her off her feet and make her love him more than music, she'll stick to music.

I totally get her. Except my love is not for music, but God. And no one will ever beat God in my heart.

“A woman’s heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her.”

Let me be that woman Lord.


5/10/2008 12:01:00 am

burn burn burn for You

These press conferences I've been attending, they teach me a thing or two.

The first one is with this new female Thai martial arts star: Jeeja Yanin from Chocolate. She's 24 but looks way younger than that, and the thing that really made me like her and smile at her responses to the media was her sincerity. Probably cos its her first movie and she's new in the industry, fresh and new, ready to take on the world. If you saw her smile you'd know it was just because she was enjoying the session. She even tried using whatever English she could to answer questions when she felt that she was capable. She posed for the cameras and even took off her boots to show her injury and let the cameras snap away. In response to a question regarding the kind of movies she'd take, she said "anything but sexy movies". I really hope she stays like this. Pure and innocent.

The second one was just earlier today with Muh-ri-eh Digby, the Youtube phenomenon. It was a very cosy round table interview in her hotel room and she was really good with the questions, answered all of them well, not just short answers and stuff. She's very down to earth though she's making it big and all; even admitted to us that she could never be cool even if she tried cos she's in a world of her own most of the time. She's not into the whole clubbing thing and don't drink or smoke.

What I appreciate about them is their ... well not really innocence, but their freshness. Being new and untouched or untainted by the media. Maybe its just part of the whole start innocent and slowly become more sexy - I hope not. But it's assuring to know that there are still people being different and not conforming. Maybe they need to record their goals now, what they want to be, what they don't want to be. So that the clutter of the showbiz won't interfere and overwhelm them.

We should do the same too. Write things down. Our goals. Things we won't do to hinder us from achieving that goal. Things we must do to work towards the goal. And every now and then check back.

I love Fridays. Don't you?

Thank You LORD for weekends! For press conferences that make interning a little more fun. And for OP night.
OP night, sat nights and Sunday services! My weekend's packed with worship. I like!

PS happy birthday to my dearest lovable kissypoo sister


5/07/2008 08:56:00 pm


I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy.

I was wondering what TP could possible mail me.

Congratulations and well done. You are in the DIRECTOR'S HONOURS LIST. Your academic performance means that you are now among the top 10% of your cohort for academic year 2007/2008.

Although I'm a mugger, I've never like achieved things like this cos my brain not powerful enough. The only other thing close to this is getting 3rd for midyears in class in Sec 1, and maybe getting highest for Literature in Sec 2. Note that my school is a neighbourhood school. Other than that, I'm like average.

Nothing's has changed, I'm not smarter, not quick-thinking. I believe God is rewarding me. For putting Him first. :) I honour Him, He honour me. It couldn't be done without Him really. Who would achieve such results even after skipping a test. Not me on my own that's for sure.

A great testimony to His AWESOMENESS!

Thank You Lord. :)


5/05/2008 11:18:00 pm

Clinging to the cross

When people disappoint me, remind me of the times I've disappointed You despite all that You've done for me, and how You've gracefully forgiven me completely.
When I have to deal with stubborn people, remind me of how I refuse to heed Your directions and end up learning the hard way, yet You stuck with me and guided me back on path.
When I feel awkwardly vulnerable to other's judgments, remind me what You felt when You hung on the cross for me.
When I feel uncomfortable with doing something for You Lord, remind me that You died for me.

Help me, Lord, die to self.

Simply to the cross I cling.


5/03/2008 11:55:00 pm

walking the talk

It's so easy to say things, but sometimes in situations it just is so difficult to do what I know I want to do. I wonder why.

But we still found time after that to worship. A group of three sitting together with nothing but hearts and voices raised to Him. And faithfully, He came. It was such a precious moment, singing and praying spontaneously, with the sincerest of hearts. It could have gone on for hours.

A great start, albeit (yay!) small. And I trust that God will use us. Lord, help us be comfortable with this spontaneity even when others join us. Let it not be a hindrance to us, but that we will be influence.

Thank You Lord for Your Presence.
Thank You for Your Faithfulness.
Thank You for making us stick to the game plan.
Thank You for friends like family.
Thank You for the desire to worship You.
I love You Lord, with all my heart.
No one can ever take Your place.



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ng jinning JANINE
nebular nineteen!
God's girl! :)

God, family, friends, pool, mushrooms, weekends, books, chocolate, cheese, smiles, sincerity, heart-to-hearts, letters, ME!

"A woman’s heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her.”

April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 November 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 January 2012

for keeps.
Emergency Phone Numbers
I Rhyme

blogs i read.
van.epal :)

tyson and julia
