3/31/2008 05:08:00 pm
Embracing the mission
What goes up must come down, right?
That's what everybody says. Sometimes, well most of the time, it is true. And I have been worried about that. I'm on fire for God right now at this point in my life, and I want it to stay that way. I don't want to go back down and succumb to the fast paced lifestyle that takes our eyes off God and onto ourselves.
God knows my heart, and today He just showed me through a stranger's blog, resources and sermons that answers the very questions that were raised recently, and that many of us probably have on our minds. I just finished watching 2 sermons from the Passport series which talks very much about missions; what it is, why it is important, and how WE can and should be part of this mission. Louie Giglio is really a gifted speaker and what he shares in this series is very relevant, especially the part which tackles the "imposing our believes on others" (read: religious harmony) issue. EQ, you'll love this. I urge everyone of you to watch it. Perhaps we can't do much now, we can't drop whatever we are doing and go to Africa to spread His Word, BUT we can prepare our hearts, understand and equip ourselves with the right attitude and align our hearts to His, His heartbeat. Here's the
link. It's under Louie's talks online. I'm not sure how long it'll stay up there, so waste no time alright!
God works in amazing ways.
I'm finally getting my Indescribable DVD by Louie Giglio, thanks to Uncle Terry. I've, well God actually, decided a few minutes ago, that this blog will no longer be private. I believe that God can use my blog as a tool to reach out and stir something in other's hearts. So, you can all go ahead and start linking me again. My posts will probably raise eyebrows and invite all sorts of intellectually logical comments from skeptics, but I'm not afraid because God's on my side.
Thank You Lord, for letting me know a little more about You, a little more about what You want of us in our lives. Here I am Lord, use me. I pray that I'll always adopt this posture Lord, willing and eager to be used for Your glory. And Lord, I claim Your promise of providing enough power to fulfill the mission You've entrusted to me. It might baffle me, but Your grace will provide. Teach me, mould me, use me. I'm Yours.
And no, I don't think everything has to come down. Even if it does, it can and will go up again. Gravity does not limit God.
3/30/2008 09:10:00 pm
He is amazing :)
For the very first time, I experienced a spiritual encounter with God in the comforts of my own room while doing my qt. And it was amazing, the things He showed me that my mind can't really comprehend, yet I know there are greater things in stall. It was a magnificent, yet humbling experience. God just taught me that He can use me, no matter how inadequate. Obedience is the key.
Words are so insufficient to express the array of amazement God makes me feel.
Anyway, worship was good today, glory to God. Not fantastic, but it was from the heart and for once I could really focus on worshipping God without having to worry about what to say, the technicalities and all. (I realise the band uses this word a lot. technicalities. lol) God is really so faithful. He might leave things to the very last minute, like with the songs, but He will come through and work that miracle. Thank you LORD!
Thanks to Andrew too for reminding me of songs I totally forgot about. Totally appreciated! :)
I think I need to come up with a list of all the songs we do, with the key and all. So I don't have to search for the key every time I lead. I used to rely on pwarchives, but due to some copyright issues, they had to remove the lyrics, so not very helpful anymore.
I realise no one comments when I blog "holy". But God is my life and my life belongs to Him, and I love it like that. God is truly amazing.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding
In all (not most) your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5
3/28/2008 12:12:00 am
The Master of Literature
God just showed me the difference between man's love and His love through the most wonderful juxtaposition.
I watched Sky of Love just before heading over to my dearest's graduation. It is a wonderful bittersweet Japanese romance, and if you intend to watch, bring tissues! I cried like 3/4 of the entire movie, because it was that sad, in the loveliest way of course. I walked out of the cinema thinking it was the wrong day to watch this movie, because I was going to witness a happy, victorious occasion. And inside me, I was half-wishing I could stay in the soppy mood for the night.
But, the moment I stepped into Church of Singapore, Marine Parade, (I was late unfortunately so it was halfway through worship) I got so excited and I totally forgot the movie. And when the whole graduating class stood up there and sang Indescribable by Chris Tomlim, I was completely in awe, blown away by God again and I felt like crying, the way I was crying so badly earlier on.
Not obvious yet?
Just a few minutes apart, the same emotional reaction for two completely different reasons. The movie, I cried because the leading actor was dying and there was nothing he could do no matter how much he loved the girl. He said he'd become the sky to watch over her, but, seriously. During worship however, it was because of God's magnificence. This God that created the universe, the stars, the sun, me and you. His Greatness made me speechless and I realised it was gratefulness and awe that made me cry. Grateful that this Wonderful Creator is also My Heavenly Father, Best Friend, Confidante, Encourager. Grateful that no matter how badly I fail Him, He always opens His arms to welcome me back and forgive me. Most of all that He gave His Son for me.
You see the juxtaposition? In short, the movie made me cry because of the fragility of man's love. No matter how deep the love, it cannot beat or even come close to God's love. The Almighty God who can destroy all of the Earth in a blink, His Grace and Mercy and Unfailing Love for us. Our unworthiness.
I think its amazing. He made me fall in love with Him again tonight. And I want to fall in love with Him over and over and over again.
Tung Ling Bible College is an anointed place really. I can't wait till I finish year 3. I want to learn so much more about Him and how I can serve Him better.
God does literature! :) For me I guess. To show me His beauty.
3/27/2008 02:38:00 am
I remember know what I loved about running at night. Actually, just running as a whole. It gives me time to think. Time away from the computer, tv etc. And it is a way God tells and shows me things, little things that help me appreciate life a little more.
Thank you LORD, for bringing me closer to You everyday, for teaching me new things and showing me Your amazing love, for humbling experiences that shakes everything i think i know.
3/25/2008 10:12:00 pm
Thank God!
For giving me an outlet for my frustrations instead of blogging here and getting everyone confused and all.
And for my dearest laaaa who invited me to a day of Tung Ling Bible College. I've been all hyped up after she invited me and I prayed that God would show what His Purpose was of me going. And I guess He gave me all I needed to be jolted back into my normal state, hormones all back in place. And I can't thank Him enough for it. He's always pulling me back into perspective and helping me think straight again.
Anyway, more about TLBC! I was unfortunately late for worship, which is the best part of the day according to laaaa, but it was still good. The speaker was, I guess, not the most animated or entertaining but what he shared on missions, all the various videos he showed really touched my heart and was the prod we all need every once in a while; that extra boost to ignite our passion that bit more. And the people there are warm and friendly. :)
God also reminded me of empowerment which I think I've ignored/forgotten.
And of His blessings, if only we'd obey.
And that, I've just witnessed. :) AMEN!
I think it's wonderful to learn more about God everyday amongst fellow believers, who all have a different story to tell.
3/23/2008 11:50:00 pm
It keeps going back to you
You know what changes as we grow older?
We think more, we become more cautious of what we say and how we say it. Everything has to be phrased properly.
Just like this. I lost my train of thoughts.
3/22/2008 10:11:00 pm
do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hands
dreams are killing me now. WL!! (it seems like you're the only other one who has similar experiences with dreams) It kinda sucks cos I wake up realising its a dream and it just leaves you longing and wondering and wishing. But then, you don't want it to go away cos it's so sweet (the dreams).
Since before malaysia okay. 3 already. That's quite a lot for a month. And one dream is enough to fuel that kind of mood for a whole week.
Oh bad bad bad.
But I'll come through and find an Elena like Kae Woei koko did, or a Jeff like Sylvia jiejie did. And live happily ever after.
//edited. actually 4. shucks. LARISSAAAAAAAA i wanna tell you about my dreams and sound totally stupid cos i know you will laugh or omigosh at me. :(
3/19/2008 04:20:00 pm
2 weeks in a post
I'm back!!!
I can hear y'all cheering already.
Malaysia was fun. KL is a shopping paradise - Sungai Wang's da bomb cos I bought many tops and nail polish at dirt cheap prices - compared to Singapore where everything is so expensive. We spent a whole day shopping, us four girls. Times Square is for the rich and famous, kinda wasted time there. Didn't get to shop at the new Pavilion because we were blown away by Sungai Wang. Plus the Pavilion's another high-end mall anyway. The only drawback was the no trying rule in some shops, so I could've bought a lot more then I did. Their loss.
Sunway Lagoon is fun. Much better than Singapore's pathetic Escape theme park. And I finally tried a 360 degree viking ride. It's not very scary though, because they take away the free-fall part and the view is all that scares you. So, no more butterflies. The water part of the theme park was the best, minus the queuing up and climbing up the countless stairs to get to the top. However, not very scary either. We went on the flume ride at least 10 times. FYI, flume rides are the ones that bring you all the way to the top and free falls down with a huge splash. And they are my favourite. Normally I volunteer to sit in front because that's the scariest seat - or so you think. After the 5th time or so, we changed seats so that all could experience the different thrills, I discovered the beauty of ignorance and realised that the last seat is the best cos you get the most butterflies!!!! Plus, you don't have to strain your arm muscles so much because there's no one sitting behind you to flatten.
Still, all the rides didn't scare me - and I'm not boasting of the huge guts I have - because Australia's are way scarier. So I'm all trained up. :)
Enough about rides.
Returning to Penang threw Val and me into a slumber mode. Cos the cousins all had a week of school before the holidays kicked in. We watched movies after movies on HBO, Cinemax and StarMovies, played with ChoCho, disturbed Kakak, ate, slept, ate, slept.
THEN, Blackjacked with punishments (pumping, sit ups, "tiaking" fingers, drinking water - whatever we could think of basically), mahjong, more movies (horror, gore, violence and mind-bogglers).
Of course shopping, but since we're in Penang now, and the voting results just came out with the opposition as victors, it meant no going to town centres because the malays would beat us up. And it also meant no public transport cos it is not safe (unlike KL? lol). So we had to wait for grownups to drive us.
BUT, more shopping! More clothes, bangles, nail polish. And the movie tickets are soooo cheap. 7 ringgit okay. And the snack! We bought so much (2 popcorn combos, 4 1901 hotdogs, 1 cupcorn) and it amounted to only 48 ringgit.
I'm almost convinced to buy a house there (The terraces are beautiful, beside the sea somemore!) and work here. This way, I can shop non stop!
Right, that sums up my two wonderful weeks. I'm missing the cousins already.
I realise how confusing this post is. hahahahaha. OH! I got straight A's and a Z for the very first time. my GPA upped to 3.48, not by a lot, but enough to put a smile on my face. Weeeeeeeeeeehoooooo.