9/22/2008 10:26:00 pm
Oh give us
clean handsand give us
pure heartsLet us not lift our souls to another
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeksWho seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
9/21/2008 10:45:00 pm
Okay, I have a chalet. I don't think I'm gonna like officially invite people to it ('cept for Belle cos she totally thickskinned and asked me straight if she's invited -
which I totally like. THUMBS UP FOR BELLEY!) so please do not wait or expect an SMS or email or call or letter or postcard or invitation card or the likes. PLEASE DON'T!
I shall just say through this post... That you are invited! Text me if you're coming. It's open to you guys on Saturday 27 Sept after 3pm (time to be confirmed, don't know if vocals are still on or not. ERNS how? can make it after KIDS DAY?) I think it might seem quite dangerous to do this open invitation on my blog... BUT strangers/bloghoppers will not have my hp number, so adults reading this.. It's cool. :)
Okay, so there. I think I said this before, but don't expect much. I ain't gonna plan activities or anything. Maybe just some movies, and lotsa food, and walking around the beaches and talking and talking and chilling. Sounds like fun huh? :) Oh please be prepared to mingle.
Oh, you can stay over if you wanna. And we can head over to vivo together the next day for service. Just erm let me know. And bring clothes cos you don wanna stink the next day. :)
AH! I don't like this chalet thing. :/ We'll just wait and see who's coming. :)
That means everyone who reads this blog who has my number. :) If for some bizarre reason you don't... drop me a comment.
And remember, don't get me any presents. Give to charity:water! :) Details in earlier post.
9/19/2008 09:45:00 pm
moodles oodles oy with the poodles!
Oh my oh my, just one more week. Minus one day off so that's just 4 days!
My oh my.
I'm so tired. I'm missing JARLZ. I have yet to wish Larissa Ho because I refuse to do so through cold and non-personal means. I'll do so when I can hug her and screammmmmmmmmmmmm and whoooopeee at her. Ronalddddddddd you are missed. Your free movies toooo. lol
And Grace! exercise again sometime? :D Hey, ask your mum for me about Saturday yeah? My mum invite her. My chalet too!
Oh yeah. I'm getting a chalet on my birthday. Erm. Not really something I'd do... but since my dad got it. Nothing to lose! But.... what do you do at chalets? Don't expect to be entertained if you're coming. I'm thinking we'll just chill or something. And eat. Singaporeans love to eat.
Hey ernss! You're turning into an auntie. HAAA. Belle, so are you! I'm so glad more and more people are saving money! I don't know why. It just makes me happy.
HHOOOOKAY my brain's too fried up to think of more brainless things to type. I want to rot. I want to melt and turn into mush and drift. :(
9/11/2008 08:19:00 pm

Dear family and friends,
I'm using my birthday this year to support charity: water's September campaign to bring clean and safe drinking water to the people of Ethiopia.
I recently learned that more than 1.1 billion people in the world today don't have the most basic thing: clean water to drink. Over 4,500 kids die each and every day from water-related disease. To do my part, I've been supporting an organization called charity: water that has been making a real difference.
This year, I've decided to give up birthday gifts and ask for donations instead. 100% of the money raised will go directly to building freshwater wells, which will be proved with GPS coordinates and photos on Google Earth.
Although you are free to give however much you wish, how about I give you a figure just in case anyone out there is cracking their heads from thinking of the amount. I'm asking for 20 dollars. 20 dollars can help one person get clean water. Please make a donation on my page:
I'm serious about this and am not secretly wishing that some people give me gifts instead. Even birthday dinners. I urge all of you to be part of this instead. I know its a little troublesome to go through the procedures but do remember that the little effort you put in will bring smiles to many faces. For my dear friends who do not own credit cards, how about splitting the donation among a few of you and getting an adult to help with the transaction. :)
And to those who do not usually give me gifts, I'm just asking that you consider being part of this great movement. :)
Thank you!
Janine Ng
It was quite hard for me to put my feet down and decide that I shall be part of this movement. Not for my own glory or earning that 'whoah-she's-so-noble' position in the minds of people or just to be part of this cool movement, but
wholeheartedly. I mentioned to a few people already that I was hoping to get some stuff for my new iPod on my birthday. And who doesn't like to receive gifts? I was actually thinking 'Maybe next year. I need my stuff this year'. How selfish of me right? Do I really need all that stuff? Not really. These people need clean water. They are dying because of the lack of clean water. Will I die without my 'needs'? Nope.
And if you have reservations of donating to them, not knowing where the money really goes to, watch the videos on the website. They'll send you links to videos and keep you updated on the progress of the drilling of the wells.
I'm gonna stress this. I knowwwwwww it's mahfan to donate online when you don't have a credit card (like Joram. lol tineee). But let this be the first time you make such an effort. Get 4 or 5 of yous together, split 20 bucks amongst you (that's just $4/5!) and hand it to an adult to help you donate using their credit card.
And being the one who's getting everyone into this, I've taken the first step and donated! :) Will you?
9/01/2008 09:40:00 pm
In the little things.
It's not only in big things that God uses us. Even in small things God works through us. Despite our circumstances, despite the conditions of our hearts, despite us being hurt or feeling tired or inadequate. As long as we keep our hearts open and are willing to allow God to speak to us and be obedient.
You are my refuge and shelter. My God in whom I trust.
In my weakness Your strength is perfect.