2/28/2010 11:37:00 pm


Things I am happy about.
  1. I ate traditional "homemade" ice cream in bread recently, in memory of my secondary school days; there was a period in Secondary 4 when we literally ate them everyday because we made friends with the uncle and he always gave us an extra scoop.
  2. I found my Muji green-blue pen!
  3. My cutie pie texted me during his art class. Hope it didn't cost him 5rm:/ (I'm not even sure if he's supposed to be texting me!)
  4. I'm halfway through a really good novel right now - The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, recommended by Jenn. I'm intrigued by how the book revolves around books - there's a Cemetery of Forgotten Books (I would really like to visit one if ever such a thing existed) and the main character and his father owns a book store, and he is in search of the author of a special book, which has the same title as the book he is in. It's a little ridiculous; the number of twists there are to the story but it's a believable kind of ridiculous. And it's a rather dark, gloomy kinda book; my imagination's been on black&white mode. Not my usual cup of tea, but I'm enjoying it.
  5. Found some Andrew Garcia supporters (okay, maybe they're just impressed with his talent) yesterday and gushed about him for a little while.
  6. Wore my new heels today! Minus point being the many blisters that found their way to my feet.
  7. Hung out with the two vowels yesterday. Had one of our interesting discourses over soup, and again was bewildered and so amused by how I can be so honest and transparent with them.
  8. Laughed my lungs and stomach out today. Haven't done so in a long long long time. Must be the Christine-Ernest combination.
  9. Tried Marvellous Cream (finally!) and it was goooooooood.
  10. Grabbed my old macbook back from Larissa and we stole some time to talk a little.
  11. I had a mini epiphany, or at least gained a new perspective on identity from swimming in my thoughts. Again, no conclusions (I think if you looked into my mind, and thoughts were jigsaw puzzles, there'd be unfinished puzzles strewn all over the place.) But I'm pretty pleased with the new perspective; a breath of fresh air.
Things I can be happy about soon.
  1. Plans to catch Dear John with Tinee and Erns. (Hello Channing Tatum, my beloved salted popcorn and loads of Kleenex!)
  2. Plans to catch Alice in Wonderland with Sneezies!
  3. Possibilities of meeting up with Grace and the girls. Realised that I never saw them in 2009 at all! :/
And so life does go on. As much as I'm perplexed by many of the issues thrown at me, I choose to walk on sunshine *wooah-oh*. At the end of the day, a day has gone by, regardless of what did or did not happen. That's not saying I don't ever walk in the rain (hurhur), I think we're all allowed to mope around a little for a while, but don't stay drenched.

And it is really all about choices. I may not be making perfect ones now, but I don't think I'm that far off. (What is far off anyway?) All these dumb talk about choices make me think I'm growing old:/ I don't want to be an adult!

This life thing is pretty complicated. It can be pretty simple too. (That may sound like it doesn't make sense, but really, I think it does)

Have a lovely week everyone! :)


2/27/2010 12:21:00 am


I have invaders in my house. de
My (old) cousin and his friend (who happens to be a girl, she's taken over my room). co
Yeeeeesh. No privacy. de


2/25/2010 10:06:00 pm

A crop-out day.

This post made me chuckle (though it didn't get on my favourites list simply because Hudson's not in it).
"Do you ever have those days you wish you could "crop" something out?"
On one hand, that's a pretty thought to play with; forgetting. Ignoring the uglies in life and looking through intentionally put on rose-coloured glasses.

On the other we all know that, truth is, our lives aren't photographs that we can crop. Well, perhaps it is possible (if someone out there has the ability to dispel selected memories at your whims and fancies, I'll be your friend!) but I highly doubt so.

Maybe it works with others. We can crop things out and make it look prettier to other people. But it'll never work with ourselves. Just like how Ashleyann will never forget the real story behind the real picture.

Or maybe it's not about forgetting at all. Maybe it's just about taking the uglies and making them pretty. Or, or taking the uglies and learning from it; how the composition can be improved, and applying it in the next photograph/lifeday.

Maybe a life is simply a life and a photograph, a photograph.

Maybe I'm overcomplicating things.

*proceeds to crop selected fragments*

Okay, maybe not. *ctrl/cmd+z*


2/21/2010 12:57:00 am

40 day prayer

This is me getting away from the clutches of technology. The Internet to be more specific. Okay, social networking sites if you really have to know.

Because food is really not a problem at all for me - yeah, my stomach probably hates me. Its crazy and, to be honest, a little embarrassing what the Internet does to me. Tweetdeck is constantly open, I check Youtube frequently just in case anyone posts a new video, and I check on the various blogs I follow every.. once in a while (which varies from a few hours to a few seconds). I can be stuck on the Internet till 3 am, just watching video after video, checking and re-checking the blogs, especially those in America cos you know the time difference and all, they'll probably update when it's night time here. And I haven't even talked about Facebook yet! (To give myself a little credit, I'm doing well with the Facebook hiatus. Well, then again it's probably because I don't have the password. But hey! It still counts.)

Tell me you know what I mean (so that I don't look like the only weirdo hooked on the Internet).

Facebook: Full fast. Started and going strong :)
Twitter: I'm going on a full fast for Twitter. No tweeting, no checking tweets. I've deleted TweetDeck from Lacey and removed the Peep widget from my HTC screens.
Youtube: I'll load my videos ONCE a day and play the few over and over if I need music while doing work. (versus videosurfing)
Hotmail: Imma check it only three times max a day. I've even specified all 3 timings.
Others: I will not touch Lacey at home unless I have work to do.

It's a little difficult. Especially the Twitter one.

But I did live without it for the past 20 years of my life so... this shouldn't be as big a loss as what it feels like.

Note to self: I need a stronger resolve.


2/10/2010 01:44:00 am

Cotton candy clouds

"Yet Beatrice remained as she had always been, amused and curious, but strangely distant, as if her life were a book she was reading, one she might put down at any moment in order to gaze out the window at the sky."
-In The Garden
The Secrets of a Fire King and other short stories
Kim Edwards

I don't know why this sentence is so pretty. Perhaps its the ability to detach oneself from life that appeals to me. I don't know why.

It just sounds nice.

And atas.


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ng jinning JANINE
nebular nineteen!
God's girl! :)

God, family, friends, pool, mushrooms, weekends, books, chocolate, cheese, smiles, sincerity, heart-to-hearts, letters, ME!

"A woman’s heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her.”

April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 November 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 January 2012

for keeps.
Emergency Phone Numbers
I Rhyme

blogs i read.
van.epal :)

tyson and julia
